Author: kristen

To melon ball or not to melon ball?

Do you remember when every brunch spot was sporting balls of watermelon and cantaloupe? Literally, BALLS of melon. I was wondering a few weekends ago about why we do not see these perfect balls of melon any longer and where the tools used to make these have gone…? After a 20 minute dig into my drawers of gadgets, I found that baller that I forgot even existed. This is another indication that my clothing, kitchen and garage cleanout may be insufficient…I have junk lurking in all places in this house…story for another time…

I pulled out that baller and decided to have my way with it. I had a cantaloupe on hand and it was going to be balled like the best of melons.

So, I went to town. I balled this melon, like it was no ones business!

Sadly, in the end, I realized…the melon was left with a crazy amount of waste and the balls were not as plump and perfect as would be expected. There is just no way to get full balls without leaving a lot of melon behind. So, I wonder…in those fancy hotels or breakfasts that I have had all over the world…did they waste nearly half the melon to get a perfect ball..? I think so.

So, my verdict is this…melon balling is a NO in my book. Slice, dice and get as much out of the amazing fruit at hand as you can. Enjoy it in any imperfect shape you need to! Use the melon baller for measuring out the perfect amount of butter, syrup or honey for a sweet addition to a breakfast or other fruit treat!

The Renovation – First steps…THE PURGE

Getting started

The first step in any renovation is to clear the area and prepare for demolition (the fun part!). This is the step in the process that I formerly would have called something like “the spring cleaning”, or “the donation prep”. Because we have moved a few times in the past 15 years and I have, much to my husband’s dismay, left the true, down to brass tacks, sorting and clearing of junk until the “next” move, this time I am calling the clear out, “THE PURGE”

Bins and boxes that have gone unopened and unaccounted for for the last 10+ years, are being opened and assessed. We aim to truly purge the garage of everything unneeded, broken, dated, or unwanted to make room for kitchenware and other items that need to be moved for demo and re-build. I am taking a multi-pronged approach, because I am one that hates anything being wasted. A true believer in reusing, sharing, donating and keeping as much out of the landfills as possible, I am sorting what I can recycle, reuse, sell or share. Not a quick or easy process, but we are committed.

In this effort, my husband and I have found frustration and about 1000 belly laughs. Why I have some of this $hit in my house is mindboggling!! Most has traveled with me since before even getting together with my husband back in 2005. It is like a dizzy trip down memory lane and a reminder of the strange phases I have been through. John, my husband, is a firm believer in tossing anything unnecessary. Clearly, I have not followed his advice. He has been scratching his head about the Tarot Cards, boxes of notes and cards, maps, airline ticket stubs, bones for fortune telling, hundreds of books, CDs, DVDs and a lot of other weird stuff. He literally found a pay stub from my first job out of college while sorting about 10 boxes of paperwork. Jeez!

Laughter – key to remaining sane in the midst of chaos

Just a little taste of the madness we are living: ME: “Babes, do we still have the batgirl costume that goes with that batgirl mask?”. JOHN: “I assumed that mask went with the leather whip and the feather boa I found in that box over there…and I didn’t want to ask…!”. HAHAHA. Too many joke gifts over the years, it seems!


Anyhow, weeks later, the garage is officially ready to receive the contents of the toilet office (again, that will be explained and pics provided at a later date), so John can get to putting in new windows and demo for a new bath and proper office. Some pics of the initial madness and slow progress below (boa not pictured!). (And, yes, that is a huge strategy whiteboard that is hanging in my kitchen!). Totally recommend if you are going through a life change or a large project.

Let them eat Fruit!

My fruit dilemma

With summer quickly approaching, I look forward to the quality and variety of fruit that can be found in the local New England grocery stores and farmers markets. I absolutely love fruit, but have always wondered why, when it is cut and put on a plate in a café or restaurant, I go after it like a bear out of hibernation, but when I buy and bring home, it can often sit and bruise or brown before it is eaten.

Getting to the root of the fruit

I decided some years ago, while Nooming (one of the best programs out there for understanding the psychology of why and what you eat, (, that the main difference is that fruit presented in a colorful and creative way gets eaten. Fruit in a plastic tub in the refrigerator drawer may not.

Simple, but effective hack coming at you! Treat your fruit like the fancy beachside resort would! Plate it, arrange it, try a variety, and make it an exciting event to enjoy!

I will warn that fruit is expensive, so buy with caution to avoid waste. If you have a household of 4 eaters, 4-8 different fruits in small amounts may be just perfect. For 2, be sure to select only 2-3 varied color fruits that are liked by both and arrange for the best punch of color, nutrition and vitamins! If possible, go for at least one fruit that is new for the family, or is particularly in season or rare!

Pictured is a tray perfect for a Sunday brunch for 4-6 friends. Serve with fresh croissants, scones or muffins for an amazing meal.

Watermelon, peach, starfruit, blackberry, fig, raspberry, mango, banana, gooseberry, kiwi and blueberry medley

Weeknight Dinner – Mediterranean Smorgasbord

When you are thinking of that trip to Greece, southern Italy, or Lebanon and want to bring that back home, I have just the meal for you. A simple, quick, yet elegant spread of Mediterranean treats.

Homemade hummus is accompanied by crisp cucumber, red onion and carrots, as well as fresh, soft pita bread from #josephspitabread. I added #ndmedjooldates for a pop of sweetness. To make this a complete meal, I pan seared 2 flounder fillets and added a side of honey-thyme roasted tomatoes.

For the hummus, I based the ingredients loosely on a recipe by #rickstein. If you have not explored his shows and cook books, check him out! My favorite show and resulting cookbook is called “Venice to Istanbul” and contains recipes from Italy, Croatia, Albania, Greece and Turkey. It is simply a wonderful and culturally enriching book! Check it out here

To try one of earth’s sweetest fruits, check out the Natural Delights Medjool dates. They have amazing sweet and savory recipes that are worth a try directly on their website.

Weeknight Meal – Mediterranean Smorgasbord

Recipe by kristenCourse: Dinner, LunchCuisine: MediterraneanDifficulty: Easy


Prep time


Cooking time







Note: calorie count is auto approximated. Cooking time is inclusive of oven roasted tomato and sauté of the founder


  • Cucumber, Red Onion and Carrot, sliced

  • Fresh Pita bread

  • Medjool dates (6-8)

  • Hummus
  • 15.5 oz. can of chick peas, drained and rinsed

  • 2 tbsp. tahini paste

  • 1-2 cloves of garlic (this is to your taste, I go with 2 large cloves)

  • 1.5 tsp. cumin

  • Juice of 1 lemon

  • Tsp. kosher salt, + more to taste

  • 4 Tbsp. water

  • Tbsp. EVOO

  • Sumac and/or Paprika to finish

  • Flounder
  • 2 Tbsp. butter

  • 2 Flounder fillets

  • Paprika

  • Roasted Tomato
  • Vine tomatoes (approx. 12)

  • Honey, Tbsp. thyme and olive oil to coat


  • Coat tomatoes in olive oil, sprinkle with thyme and put into 350 degree oven for approx. 60 mins. Watch for the tomatoes to become deflated and quite roasty-toasty browned. Before taking out of oven, drizzle with honey and allow to roast the remaining 5 mins
  • Arrange crisp veggies, pita and dates on serving platter, with bowl at center for the hummus
  • In food processor, combine all ingredients, except for the olive oil and sumac/paprika, leaving a small handful of the chick peas for topping the hummus. Pulse or blend until hummus is smooth and creamy. Pour into bowl and top with olive oil and dusting of sumac and/or paprika
  • Once tomatoes are out of oven and cooling, heat the butter in large sauté pan. Pat the fillets dry and sprinkle with kosher salt, pepper and paprika. Once butter is just beginning to brown, place fillets in pan. The fillets are so thin, that 1-2 mins on the first side should result in a nice, seared color. Flip and then tip the pan and continually baste the first side with a spoon, scooping the butter from the edge of the pan. Another 1-2 mins and you are done! Serve and smorgasbord is complete!

Weeknight Dinner – Pork loin with sweet plantains & veg

Weeknights are for simple dinners that come together easily. Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a Jamie Oliver fan, reason being that he cooks simply with great results. This meal is quick and easy, and hits all nutritional needs. I took advantage of a Jamie Oliver veggie dish that never disappoints, with a few tweaks based on what I had on hand. The original recipe can be found in his cookbook called, “Together” and the recipe is called “Spring Veg”. I absolutely recommend this book!

For the pork:

1.5 lb. pork loin is coated in the spice mix of your choice. I used a middle eastern 7 spice rub that I make and always have on hand, but you could do a BBQ mix with garlic and onion powder, paprika, salt, pepper and sugar. Equal parts of everything, with the salt and sugar at half the amount of the other spices. Pop into a 425 degree oven until inner temp is 135, roughly 30 minutes.

For the plantains:

The sweet plantains (maduros) are freezer aisle purchase. The plantains can also be bought fresh and fried once super ripe. However, I’ve had a hard time knowing when the ripeness factor is right, and the Goya product is so easy. Just reduce the oven once the pork is out and resting and pop the frozen container right in. Easy-peasy.

Goya product info can be found here:

For the veggies:

(small potatoes of any kind, asparagus, peas, mint, olive oil and lemon):

Boil a pound of small potatoes (red or white) for 15 mins, add asparagus when 13 mins have passed (spears cut into thirds), when 1 minute remains, add a cup of peas (frozen is fine). When 15 mins are up, drain and plate. Juice one lemon over mix, add a handful of chopped mint and dress with EVOO. Done!

Note that I have done this same recipe with any other veggies on hand. Perfect for a veggie drawer clean out!

Recipe for 7 Spice Blend:

I found this very simple recipe on a lovely Lebanese cooking site. Give it a go!

The Jamie Oliver site has loads of free recipes, nutrition info and how-to articles. Definitely worth a gander, if you are a home cook and looking for fun ways to cook meals!

The Renovation – Our Brick Beauty

Let the renovation begin!

My husband and I bought an old brick home back in 2018. She was built in 1810 and she is a beauty. Not many houses can claim the curb appeal that this one can. Stately colonial brick home, set back off the main road, with a long, tree lined drive. In the spring, when the flowering pear trees are blooming, it is nothing but a joy to turn into our drive, knowing that this is my home.

With all of that said, we bought knowing there were some areas of the home that needed renovation. Some areas did not stand out until we were owners and looked much more closely. I could name them all, but who has the time for that…the list is long. I will mention those that I fully intend to fix, if only to ensure the next owner will not see these travesties and associate them with my husband and me. Such as the 1980s Jenn Air stove and cooktop. Truth be told, once I figured out that the oven was running 50 degrees hotter than it is set at it works a dream. And the range top is brilliant with its’ swapparoo electric burners, griddle pan etc., but it is time for an update! There are the windows that do not open, a monstrosity of a kitchen island, rotting inner cabinets…and the room that we call “the toilet office”. More on that gem later.

We have a bit of work ahead of us. This is not our first rodeo. We have done 2 complete home renovations, and a number of bath and room renovations in the past. Pics of those to be gathered and shared at some point. This will be the first that I document intentionally. Come along with us. There is sure to be some laughs and definitely some drama!

Who doesn’t love a burger?

Whether it is a veggie, beef, pork or turkey burger, there is a burger recipe out there for everyone. It is spring here in southern N.H. and I am ready to get the grill started and some burgers grilling! This week, I went back to the basics, with a 90/10 lean beef burger, with American cheese, pickles and all of the standard condiments. My husband, being Portuguese, can get me to work an egg into almost any meal, so his was complete with an over easy egg to gild the lily! Marty’s buttered and grilled sesame buns put this burger over the top.

My secrets for success in this recipe would be the tsp. of white sugar, dash of Worcestershire sauce and ketchup that I mix in with the ground beef. Also, Ore Ida extra crispy frozen fries are the shortcut on this meal, with a simple green salad dressed with olive oil and a sprinkle of sumac spice. YUM!

Ore Ida crispy fries are highly recommended. Info can be found here:

If you are in the Northeast and can get your hands on Marty’s sesame potato buns, treat yourself!

Everything bagel spice for all bagels!

If you are craving a bagel, what is better than an everything bagel? Well, I would argue that I want ALL bagels to be everything to me! Here is my spin on everything a bagel can be, if we just think outside of the box. Create your own “everything” spice and apply directly to the cream cheese of your choice…on the bagel of your liking. I chose whole wheat bagels for my breakfast, but could definitely see my husband putting this spice on a cinnamon raisin bagel (do not judge, I try not to…wink). And, count on losing less of those spices, as they stick quite nicely to the cream cheese, rather than ending up on your plate, or in your lap.

Everything bagel spice for all bagels!

Recipe by kristenCourse: Food, Food Hack, Kristen Cooks


Prep time


Cooking timeminutes




  • 5 Tbsp. poppy seeds

  • 4 Tbsp. minced onion spice

  • 3 Tbsp. dried garlic

  • 3 Tbsp. toasted sesame spice

  • 2 tsp. coarse kosher salt

  • 2 tsp. coarse kosher salt

  • 2 tsp. coarse ground black pepper


  • Mix ingredients. Voila!


  • I use a mason jar to easily shake ingredients to mix, as well as for easy storage