Puff Pastry Caprese Tart

Puff pastry is one of those items that I keep in the freezer at all times. In a pinch, you can do all sorts of fun and yummy things with it. Think sweet, such as rolling up a cinnamon and nuts mixture for cinnamon rolls, or savory, such as this heirloom tomato Caprese Tart recipe. Spinach and feta, cream cheese and roasted tomatoes. Any and all combination of fruits or veggies that you and your family enjoy.

I use Pepperidge Farm frozen puff pastry sheets. They defrost quickly and puff up nice and flaky. They can be cut into any size or shape that you want, so there is potential for some crazy cute desserts. Fourth of July is around the corner. I could imagine cream puff stars would be pretty snazzy at your cookout! For this recipe, I went as straight forward as possible and used the entire sheet.


1 large or 2 smaller heirloom tomatoes, 5-6 ounce fresh mozzarella, such as Galbani, 1 sheet puff pastry, 3 ounce shredded parmesan or asiago cheese, dried oregano, salt and pepper and some fresh basil leaves for serving

Simple Instruction

Defrost the pastry per the package instructions. Using a sharp knife, score the pastry about 1/2 inch from each side, careful not to cut all the way through. This will create a defined box for layering in the ingredients. Slice the mozzarella and the tomatoes into roughly 1/4 inch thick chunks. Pat both as dry as you can get them. Create an overlapping layer of tomato and mozzarella to cover the base of the Caprese Tart. Do not layer too heavily, to ensure the puff pastry will crisp up and not sog up on you.

Sprinkle oregano, salt and pepper over ingredients. Lastly, sprinkle the parm or asiago cheese over entire tart, allowing some to land on the 1/2 inch edge of the pastry. This will give a crunchy cheesy crust.

Cook in pre-heated 400 degree oven for 15-20 mins. Crust will be nicely browned and cheese will be bubbling! Let cool and eat!

An alternative ingredient tart

Cream cheese base with pre-roasted cherry tomatoes

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