Renovation – Demo at the Brick Beauty!

So we have been sidetracked with work to be done at our cabin in the lakes region of NH. We are back now, and the home renovation is ON at this brick pain in the ass of a home! Pics and video of the amazing work John has been doing at the cabin is to come at a later date. But let’s focus here on the Brick Beauty and the exciting news that DEMO has commenced! If you have not followed, check out the start of our renovation journey here

The toilet office

I am totally embarrassed to show this part of our house, but will say that we bought the house with these crazy elements and still loved this bitch with all her detractors! The “toilet office”…dear Lord, what does that mean..? Let me show you…

So, there you have it. An office with a weirdo toilet, a very, very basic sink that looks to have been a construction site stand in, as well as a shower that defies all logic in terms of the size, the dueling shower heads and shower control that is at the far end of the shower, so you have to reach all the way in to turn on the water. This means that you get sprayed directly in the face with the cold water in order to get the shower on. Brilliant! I am putting us out there for ridicule on this one, but pics of the actual shower…this is where I draw the line. Insert laugh track here! The great news is that anything we do will be an improvement!

So, we are off to the races with the toilet office renovation. This is the part of the process that I love most. What to do for lighting? Themes and color selection and all of that fun stuff! Is this a masculine office and bath, or something softer? Over to I go to begin searching through office and bath ideas. I am excited to be making progress. And I am open to ideas, if anyone cares to weigh in on design etc.!

Some before pics

Some progress pics over the last couple days

Next Up

Bath demo is up next, as well as design of the clearly defined and very separate office and bathroom space! Stay tuned for progress and John’s video recording of his thought process and steps for making this all happen!

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