Stone Fruit Salad

There is nothing better during the summer than the in-season fruits. I am a sucker for stone fruits. Peaches, nectarines, plums, pluots…I love them all. Typically, I love these fruits because they can be grilled and add that pop of sweetness that goes amazing with pork or chicken. Heck, I will pair them with just about anything. However, this stone fruit salad is not grilled, making it a fast and easy dish for any outing or BBQ you attend!

The truth of the matter is that you could grill the fruits for this dish, I simply did not have the time on the day that I made it. I would definitely caution that in order to grill, the fruit will need to be a little bit les on the ripe side in order to be able to layer it on the plate.

Quick and easy ingredients!

  • 1-2 ripe, but solid nectarines as well as white or yellow peaches (really, any stone fruit with enough size to cut and arrange will do)
  • 1 ball of fresh mozzarella (8 ounce)
  • 1 bunch of fresh basil
  • Flaky sea salt and freshly grouond black pepper

Slicing and arranging

Slice the peaches and nectarines into half moon shape, once you have removed the stone from the fruit. By the way, if you have not researched how to remove the stone from a stone fruit (guessing most have not!), I found this super helpful video that makes this task as simple as it could be!

Slice the mozzarella into similarly sized slices

Once all is sliced. arrange on round plate, layering in the mozz and fruit, in a pattern appealing to your eye! Dot washed basil over the salad as well. Hit it with the flaky sea salt and pepper. Voila! Stone fruit salad!

Optional flourishes – 2 tsp fresh lemon juice, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic glaze, pomegranate molasses. Note: if you are preparing ahead of time, do not add the liquid options until serving and ensure you can refrigerate once served. A spray of lemon will also help with any browning if not consuming right away!

If you like this recipe. you may also like my suggestion for serving an amazing fruit plate. Let them eat fruit!

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1 Response

  1. August 2, 2023

    […] Stone Fruit Salad […]