Strawberry Yogurt Pops

I love looking for recipes that are both tasty as well as, at least somewhat, healthy. And with summer in swing, using ingredients that are in season is also a win. These strawberry yogurt pops are a great treat. They make use of the many deals on strawberries at the markets now, are not too sweet, and can be altered to your taste.

Required Tools

To make these pops, you will need a popsicle mold such as this one from Tovolo. Some molds require the addition of popsicle sticks, while others come as a full kit with tops that already have the handle built into the kit. If you are buying, I do recommend the ease of the latter!

You will also need a blender or food processor

Simple Ingredients

2 Cups Strawberries

3 Tablespoons Agave Nectar (or honey if you do not have agave on hand)

2 Cups of lowfat Greek strained yogurt


Add strawberries to food processor and process until smooth. Add in the Agave (or honey), and pulse only a few times to combine.

Pour into large bowl and gently blend in the yogurt. This recipe calls for 2 cups of yogurt. Greek yogurt is a bit tart, so add 1-1.5 cups of the yogurt and taste. This is where your preference comes into play. I prefer a little less sweetness, so use the entire 2 cups. Adjust to use the amount that suits you or your family.

Pour into popsicle molds and freeze for 4-6 hours. Note that you will need to run the individual molds under water to get the pop out and enjoy!


You can use just about any fruit that suits your fancy! Banana, blueberry, peach or raspberry would be great options!

I always have mint on hand, whether in plant form in summer, or in the refrigerator in winter. Strawberry and mint is like pork chops and apple sauce in my mind! I love the idea of pulsing in a small handfull with the strawberries before combining with the yogurt. This is on my list for the next batch that I make!

If you like this recipe, try my recipe for frozen bananas! YUM!

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