Mason jar fruit

I have dozens of mason jars. I use them for everything. Storage of sugars, rice, spice mixes etc. Most every year, I can something, whether it is fruit jam or tomatillos to be used throughout the winter for salsa verde.

I have noticed lately that mason jars are being used not just for canning and jarring to store on the shelf, but also for fresh fruits and veg. The claim is that the produce keeps quite well, if washed, dried and then stored in the airtight mason jar.

The verdict:

I have tested storing mason jar fruit and am 1.5 weeks in, ate a jar today (grapes, blackberries and strawberries) that was still fresh, with no sign of browning or mold growth. So, this food hack has my gold star! It appears to be completely legit! And, not only does the fruit stay fresh, but the presentation is amazing! I love the idea of grabbing the jar out of the refrigerator and grabbing a seat on the deck, fork in hand, with this beautifully colored sweet treat! I selected monotone colored fruit, but could imagine mandarins, gooseberries or other fruits adding absolute WOW factor! Give this hack ago!

If you like this hack, you may also like my post about making fruit trays pleasing to the eye here!