The Renovation – Our Brick Beauty

Let the renovation begin!
My husband and I bought an old brick home back in 2018. She was built in 1810 and she is a beauty. Not many houses can claim the curb appeal that this one can. Stately colonial brick home, set back off the main road, with a long, tree lined drive. In the spring, when the flowering pear trees are blooming, it is nothing but a joy to turn into our drive, knowing that this is my home.
With all of that said, we bought knowing there were some areas of the home that needed renovation. Some areas did not stand out until we were owners and looked much more closely. I could name them all, but who has the time for that…the list is long. I will mention those that I fully intend to fix, if only to ensure the next owner will not see these travesties and associate them with my husband and me. Such as the 1980s Jenn Air stove and cooktop. Truth be told, once I figured out that the oven was running 50 degrees hotter than it is set at it works a dream. And the range top is brilliant with its’ swapparoo electric burners, griddle pan etc., but it is time for an update! There are the windows that do not open, a monstrosity of a kitchen island, rotting inner cabinets…and the room that we call “the toilet office”. More on that gem later.
We have a bit of work ahead of us. This is not our first rodeo. We have done 2 complete home renovations, and a number of bath and room renovations in the past. Pics of those to be gathered and shared at some point. This will be the first that I document intentionally. Come along with us. There is sure to be some laughs and definitely some drama!
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