To melon ball or not to melon ball?

Do you remember when every brunch spot was sporting balls of watermelon and cantaloupe? Literally, BALLS of melon. I was wondering a few weekends ago about why we do not see these perfect balls of melon any longer and where the tools used to make these have gone…? After a 20 minute dig into my drawers of gadgets, I found that baller that I forgot even existed. This is another indication that my clothing, kitchen and garage cleanout may be insufficient…I have junk lurking in all places in this house…story for another time…

I pulled out that baller and decided to have my way with it. I had a cantaloupe on hand and it was going to be balled like the best of melons.

So, I went to town. I balled this melon, like it was no ones business!

Sadly, in the end, I realized…the melon was left with a crazy amount of waste and the balls were not as plump and perfect as would be expected. There is just no way to get full balls without leaving a lot of melon behind. So, I wonder…in those fancy hotels or breakfasts that I have had all over the world…did they waste nearly half the melon to get a perfect ball..? I think so.

So, my verdict is this…melon balling is a NO in my book. Slice, dice and get as much out of the amazing fruit at hand as you can. Enjoy it in any imperfect shape you need to! Use the melon baller for measuring out the perfect amount of butter, syrup or honey for a sweet addition to a breakfast or other fruit treat!

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