Who doesn’t love a burger?

Whether it is a veggie, beef, pork or turkey burger, there is a burger recipe out there for everyone. It is spring here in southern N.H. and I am ready to get the grill started and some burgers grilling! This week, I went back to the basics, with a 90/10 lean beef burger, with American cheese, pickles and all of the standard condiments. My husband, being Portuguese, can get me to work an egg into almost any meal, so his was complete with an over easy egg to gild the lily! Marty’s buttered and grilled sesame buns put this burger over the top.

My secrets for success in this recipe would be the tsp. of white sugar, dash of Worcestershire sauce and ketchup that I mix in with the ground beef. Also, Ore Ida extra crispy frozen fries are the shortcut on this meal, with a simple green salad dressed with olive oil and a sprinkle of sumac spice. YUM!

Ore Ida crispy fries are highly recommended. Info can be found here: https://www.oreida.com/product/00013120014178

If you are in the Northeast and can get your hands on Marty’s sesame potato buns, treat yourself! https://potatorolls.com/products/big-martys/

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